CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network's Collaborative Empowerment Initiatives

Empowering communities through collaborative efforts, CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network’s transformative initiatives rejuvenate once-neglected spaces and social cohesion.

Community Revitalization Initiatives

Discover our transformative projects revitalizing neighborhoods and fostering community engagement.

Urban Development Projects

Explore our commitment to sustainability through innovative urban development initiatives.

Empowering Local Communities

Join us in empowering local communities and promoting social connectivity.


From Neglect to Renewal - The CPEN Journey

Doreen Abubakar, a prominent entrepreneur, led the transformation of the Mudhole, a once notorious crime hotspot in New Haven, into a thriving community park known as the Community Park Enhancement Network (CPEN). Through collaborative efforts involving local residents, advocates, and stakeholders, the park now stands as a symbol of communal prosperity within the Farmington Canal Greenway. The park boasts a vibrant butterfly garden, farmers markets, a bike repair station, and a communication kiosk, all contributing to its remarkable revitalization. This endeavor not only rejuvenated the physical landscape but also revitalized the social cohesion of the community, showcasing the transformative power of collective action.

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Years of Experience

Our Vision

At CPEN, we envision vibrant and inclusive communities where green spaces flourish, fostering unity, resilience, and sustainable prosperity. Our vision is to transform neglected areas into thriving hubs of activity, where residents take pride in their surroundings and collaborate to create a brighter future for generations to come.

Our Mission

CPEN is dedicated to revitalizing urban spaces through community-led initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social cohesion, and economic empowerment. By partnering with residents, advocates, and stakeholders, we strive to create safe, accessible, and vibrant parks and public spaces.

Our Vision

At CPEN, we envision vibrant and inclusive communities where green spaces flourish, fostering unity, resilience, and sustainable prosperity. Our vision is to transform neglected areas into thriving hubs of activity, where residents take pride in their surroundings and collaborate to create a brighter future for generations to come.

Our Mission

CPEN is dedicated to revitalizing urban spaces through community-led initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social cohesion, and economic empowerment. By partnering with residents, advocates, and stakeholders, we strive to create safe, accessible, and vibrant parks and public spaces.


From Neglect to Renewal - The CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network Journey

Doreen Abubakar, a prominent entrepreneur, led the transformation of the Mudhole, a once notorious crime hotspot in New Haven, into a thriving community park known as the CPEN – Community Placemaking Engagement Network. Through collaborative efforts involving local residents, advocates, and stakeholders, the park now stands as a symbol of communal prosperity within the Farmington Canal Greenway. The park boasts a vibrant butterfly garden, farmers markets, a bike repair station, and a communication kiosk, all contributing to its remarkable revitalization. This endeavor not only rejuvenated the physical landscape but also revitalized the social cohesion of the community, showcasing the transformative power of collective action.

Our Vision

At CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network, we envision vibrant and inclusive communities where green spaces flourish, fostering unity, resilience, and sustainable prosperity. Our vision is to transform neglected areas into thriving hubs of activity, where residents take pride in their surroundings and collaborate to create a brighter future for generations to come.

Our Mission

CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network is dedicated to revitalizing urban spaces through community-led initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social cohesion, and economic empowerment. By partnering with residents, advocates, and stakeholders, we strive to create safe, accessible, and vibrant parks and public spaces.

Our Program Areas

At CPEN, we are committed to addressing the diverse needs of our communities through a range of program areas that promote education, economic development, community health and wellness, and resident leadership training. Each program area is designed to empower individuals, strengthen neighborhoods, and foster positive social change.


Economic Development

Community Health and Wellness

Resident Leadership Training

Our Program Areas

At CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network, we are committed to addressing the diverse needs of our communities through a range of program areas that promote education, economic development, community health and wellness, and resident leadership training. Each program area is designed to empower individuals, strengthen neighborhoods, and foster positive social change.


Economic Development

Community Health and Wellness

Resident Leadership Training

Volunteer Your Time and Skills

In addition to monetary donations, we welcome volunteers who are passionate about making a positive impact.
At CPEN-Community Placemaking Engagement Network, we believe in the power of community-driven initiatives to create positive change. Volunteers play a crucial role in our efforts to revitalize urban spaces, foster social cohesion, and promote environmental sustainability. Whether you’re passionate about gardening, event planning, or community outreach, there are countless ways to get involved and make a meaningful impact.

Join us in our mission to revitalize urban spaces, foster community empowerment, and promote sustainability. Your generous donation can make a significant impact on the lives of residents and the health of our environment. Together, we can create vibrant, inclusive, and resilient communities where everyone thrives.